Sosialisasi AIDS / HIV 1 Des 2013

Ibu-Ibu dan Bapak-Bapak Yth.,

Hari Minggu tanggal 1 Desember 2013 ada yang berbeda ketika kami sekeluarga berjalan kaki di kawasan Simpang Lima di Kota Semarang. Ada banyak mahasiswa dan mahasiswi yang membagi-bagikan brosur / selebaran dan juga sekuntum mawar merah (buatan tangan sendiri, terbuat dari kertas tetapi tetap indah). Mereka memakai atribut pita warna merah.

Ya. Itu semua dilakukan dalam rangka Hari (menanggulangi dan mengatasi) masalah AIDS / HIV. Bahkan ada juga mahasiswa dan mahasiswi dari IAIN Walisongo Semarang yang menggelar permainan Ular Tangga dengan papan permainan raksasa. Tentu saja, kegiatan ini menarik perhatian banyak pengunjung.

Apa yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa dan mahasiswi dari Universitas Diponegoro juga banyak menarik perhatian. Mereka membuat panggung dan mengadakan banyak pertunjukan di atas panggung itu. Ada juga dokter yang hadir di atas panggung untuk memberikan penjelasan tentang AIDS / HIV. Bahkan, para waria pun diajak untuk ikut pentas di atas panggung tersebut. Ini melambangkan bahwa masalah AIDS / HIV harus diketahui bersama dan ditangani bersama oleh semua lapisan masyarakat.

Ibu-Ibu dan Bapak-Bapak Yth.,

Saya yang kebetulan sedang jalan-jalan dengan anak (anak saya perempuan, kelas IX alias kelas III SMP) dan istri ikut menonton semua kegiatan tersebut. Memang masalah AIDS / HIV perlu diketahui oleh setiap orang. Tentu saja, berdoa dan bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Mahaesa adalah hal yang utama sekali, selain segala macam langkah manusiawi yang kita lakukan di dunia ini.

Salut kepada adik-adik mahasiswa dan mahasiswi yang sudah meluangkan waktu untuk melaksanakan berbagai kegiatan itu.

Semoga kita semua selalu dalam berkat dan lindungan Tuhan.

Selamat menemani anak.
Selamat menemani anak untuk peduli pada masalah kesehatan masyarakat.
"Meneman anak = mencerdaskan bangsa"


People are never one dimensional

I’d like to offer FOUR PUBLIC STATEMENTS to answer numerous emails sent to me from around the world. These four statements pertain to my joining the Japan Karate Association and, the preservation of what I have learned, prior to my JKA membership. Thank you very much. – André Bertel.

#1. First and fore mostly, I’m 100% committedto the JKA. Otherwise I would not have joined. I took many months to join, fastidiously analysing everything and communicating with the JKA.

#2. All of my orthodox Shotokan-ryukihon techniques, kata and kumite are being brought in-line/standardised under the guidance of the JKA (that is, `standard JKA technique’).

#3. I’m still practicing everything I learned from outside of standard Shotokan (prior to joining the JKA).  These techniques and applications will remain in my repertoire and preserved in an “unchanged” state. However, they have now been shifted into my daily private dojo practice; that is, for my self-training.

#4. Ultimately, I am moving forward with the JKA and are building on the skills I have developed over the last three decades. With this and the above points in mind, always remember that, as the title of the post states, "people are never one dimensional."

To conclude, I would like to deeply thank JKA Japan and JKA members, from all over the world, for their warm welcoming. Lastly, I hope this post clarifies where I’m at in my karate and, more importantly, where I heading. Osu, André.
© André Bertel. Aso-shi, Kumamoto. Japan (2013).

Ueki Shuseki Shihan Seminar & Dan Grading

 On Saturday the 16th of November I attended a phenomenal seminar by the chief instructor of the JKA (Japan Karate Association) Ueki Masaaki Shihan (9th Dan). Then, on Sunday (the 17th) there was a dan-shinsa; and tests for JKA shidoin (instructor), and shimpan (judge) qualifications. This event was held in Nogata-shi, Fukuoka-ken.  
Ueki Shuseki Shihan Technical Seminar (An overview): Ueki Shihan’s seminar was very `exam focused’ but, at the same time, targeted critical points of fundamental techniques strongly linking kihon, kumite, and kata. I really loved the training and learned so much! His demonstration of sections from the kata Jutte, Kanku-dai, Bassai-dai, Enpi, and others, was utterly superb; also his amazing use of deai-waza in kumite was wonderful to see first-hand. Many foreign karateka will know Ueki Shuseki-Shihan from Master Nakayama’s classic `Best Karate’ books. In one of the kumite volumes he was profiled along with his tokui-waza; in volume eight he demonstrates Gankaku kata; and in volume 11 he demonstrates Gojushiho-sho kata. When he demonstrated sections of Gojushiho-sho, everyone was in awe: it really was poetry in motion.
Kihon: 1. Ayumibashi (speedily forward then rearward alternately in zenkutsu-dachi). Emphasis was on maintaining perfect shomen, and an erect spine, irrespective of the speed of the two steps; 2. Repeat on the opposite side; 3. As previous, but stepping back with gedan-barai then advancing with jun-zuki; 4. Repeat on the opposite side; 5. Exactly the same again but stepping back with jiyu-kamae then jun-zuki; and  6. Repeat on the opposite side.
Kumite no kihon (Uchikomi): 1/2.Attacking with chudan gyaku-zuki (right then left side); 3/4. Attacking with jodan kizami-zuki (left then right side); 5/6. Against kizami-zuki step back diagonally with jodan age-uke and counter with gyaku-zuki (left side then right side); 7/8 Against chudan gyaku-zuki move diagonally with gedan-barai and counter with chudan gyaku-zuki (left side then right side); 9/10. Deai-waza: Against chudan gyaku-zuki advance diagonally with gyaku gedan-barai and attack with jodan kizami-zuki (left side then right side). Note – it was emphasised that jodan age-uke must have the blocking wrist in line with the middle of the forehead (as opposed to aligning the blocking elbow with the side of the body).
Jiyu-Kumite: We then put into practice our tai sabaki by engaging in two rounds of jiyu-kumite with random partners.

Kata:During the training Ueki Shihan had us perform Bassai-dai, Kanku-dai and Jion over and over, giving technical points, and emphasising the correct counts, which should correspond with the waza no kankyu (rhythm of the techniques). I.e. – making long counts for slow movements and rapid counts for speedy movements; nevertheless, not making the rhythm of the kata too fast (or too `drawn out' as often seen now in sports karate). After numerous executions of the above three sentei-gata, we then had us perform our tokui-gata for the respective exams we were taking the next day. I worked on Nijushiho with a small group of four or five. Others groups and individuals around the room were practicing Bassai-dai, Jion, Kanku-dai, Hangetsu, and Gojushiho-sho. Ultimately, this was concluded by each individual (or group) going out in front of everyone and performing their respective kata, followed by personal tips from Ueki Shihan. What was perhaps more amazing was that Ueki Shihan gave every examinee tips. His generosity in helping everyone grading was really outstanding. I really benefitted from his corrections.
Conclusion of the Technical Seminar: To conclude the seminar, an explanation was given, followed by the aforementioned demonstration, which was invaluable and awe-inspiring. On the whole, it was clearly shown how JKA kihon, kata and kumite are truly one, and inseparable. This was a great wind down of the three hour seminar—and supportive/methodological “lead-in” to the exams.
It goes without saying that Sunday was completely dedicated to testing. Two courts, tatami areas, were used: the left side was for those taking yondan and godan; and the right side was for those taking licences. JKA karateka from all over Kyushu had come to attend the seminar under Ueki Shuseki-Shihan, and grading, so it was clear that it was going to be a long day.
The JKA Godan examination, which I attempted, involved:(1) Idomokuhyo with both migi and hidari chudan gyaku-zuki, which I only had to perform around five times with each hand; (2) Jiyu-gata.., as already mentioned, I used Nijushiho—a first for me—in a dan exam; (3) `Question and Answer’ session. In my case, this involved explaining the bunkai/oyo (analysis/application) of movements 18-20 from Nijushiho; (4) A shitei-gata randomly called by the examination panel (any Heian or Tekki Shodan). In my case I was asked to perform Heian Yondan; and finally (5) I had to engage in two rounds of continuous jiyu-kumite against other Godan examinees.
To conclude: I’d like to express my deep appreciation of Nakamura Shihan and Nakamura Sensei for their fantastic training sessions, which have helped me, and continue to help me, immensely; Naka Tatsuya Shihan for his “massive support”—which is too much to detail here---thank you so very much Naka Shihan; and the members of Japan Karate Association Kumamoto and Kyushu; in particular, my excellent  training partner, Morooka San (JKA 4th Dan). I am very thankful to all of these people and the Kyokai. Domo arigato gozaimashita, André.

© André Bertel. Aso-shi, Kumamoto, Japan (2013).

New self-training regime

I have finally updated my self-training regime, post JKA (Japan Karate Association) dan shinsa, to address my newfound weaknesses—and move forward. In brief, here is a blueprint of my schedule. I hope that it finds you well.

Kata: I am currently  training the following kata: (a) The six shitei-gata (Heian Shodan, Heian Nidan, Heian Sandan, Heian Yondan, Heian Godan and Tekki Shodan); (b) The four sentei-gata (Bassai-dai, Kanku-dai, Empi and Jion); and (c) Two jiyu-gata—Nijushiho and one other randomly self-selected kata each day (based on my intentions/feeling/goals).

Kihon: Essentially my kihon is based on my current kata regime; hence, I outlined my kata training first. For example, the timing of the hands/arms with body shifting, the reservation of the pivot foot etcetera. Presently, this is the bulk of my kihon training; however, I have been topping this off by going through the Japan Karate Association kihon exams… A sort of mock test to push myself to the limit.

Kumite: (i)The bunkai (analysis) of Nijushiho kata, especially pertaining oyo (applications); and (ii)  Uchikomi/Jiyu Kumite training.

Overall, I have some major targets in 2014, which I am now aiming for. Regardless of whether they materialise or not, my aim is to use them to continue pushing forward. All the very best,  André Bertel.
© André Bertel. Aso-shi, Kumamoto, Japan (2013).

Batu Secret Zoo

Batu Secret Zoo merupakan tempat wisata dan kebun binatang modern yang terletak di Kota Batu, Jawa Timur. Batu Secret Zoo yang berada di tanah seluas 14 hektar tersebut merupakan bagian dari Jatim Park 2, selain Pohon Inn dan Museum Satwa. Beberapa koleksi hewan dari berbagai habitat yang sebagian besar berasal dari Asia dan Afrika dapat ditemukan di kebun binatang ini, antara lain singa putih, kijang afrika, burung macau, dan bermacam-macam reptil.

Batu Secret Zoo merupakan tempat wisata dan kebun binatang modern yang berlokasi di Kota Batu, Jawa Timur. Batu Secret Zoo yang berada di tanah seluas 14 hektar tersebut adalah bagian dari Jatim Park 2, selain Pohon Inn dan Museum Satwa. Batu Secret Zoo memiliki beberapa koleksi hewan dari beberapa habitat yang berbeda, namun sebagian besar berasal dari Asia dan Afrika. Binatang-binatang itu diantaranya adalah Singa Putih, Kijang Afrika, Burung Macau hingga berbagai reptil.
Kebun Binatang Batu pertama kali dibuka pada tahun 2010. Pengunjungnya sangat banyak, karena saat grand opening seluruh biaya masuk gratis. Diresmikan oleh Presiden Indonesia, Bapak Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
Batu Secret Zoo A Menampilkan berbagai macam koleksi hewan, yang dibentuk sesuai dengan habitatnya. Di sini terdapat Reptile Garden, Flying Lemur, Aquarium, dan rumah bagi hewan-hewan. Batu Secret Zoo membuat seluruh hewan ini dengan tema, agar menarik perhatian para pengunjung.
Savannah adalah sebuah terowongan berdinding kaca, para pengunjung dapat menyaksikan ekosistem dari hewan-hewan Afrika, seperti Giant Sable Antelope, Scimitar-Horned oryx, Zebra, dan para hewan berkuku lainnya. Para pengunjung juga dapat mencari informasi dari layar sentuh yang sudah dipasang di terowongan.
Di Kampung Afrika, pengunjung disuguhi dengan para hewan kecil seperti mirkat, marmut, kelinci, dan lain sebagainya. Terdapat cafe yang dibuka untuk beristirahat, dan petugas yang menjaga di kandang gajah. Pengunjung dapat memberi makan dan menyaksikan kehidupan bayi Gajah Sumatra di kandang ini.
Elang adalah rumah bagi para elang-elang yang diadopsi (dibeli) oleh pihak kebun binatang. Para pengunjung yang masuk ke “rumah” elang ini akan dapat menyaksikan kehidupan elang, berbagai spesiesnya, dan status konservasinya. Dengan dipandu oleh petugas, pengunjung dapat berjalan sambil melihat berbagai jenis elang yang sudah diadopsi oleh kebun binatang.