8th Anniversary of `André Bertel’s Karate-Do’

Today marks eight years since I started this blog and made my first post (click here to access it: http://andrebertel.blogspot.jp/2007/06/back-in-japan.html). Incredibly, as I make this post, this site has had over 1,390,000 visitors: something I never expected.

Much has changed in eight years. Now, I am nearly 40 years old, am a father, and have acquired a degree in education from the University of Canterbury. But my daily karate training continues just as it has for the last three decades, and just as much as ever. Now "back at `the source' (the Japan Karate Association)"—and fully retaining what I was taught prior to re-joining JKA (in 2013)—I’m moving forward with an amalgamation of knowledge.

The remainder of this year promises to be very busy karate-wise. I have renshusei (trainees) from across Japan, Europe and Oceania coming, and constant requests for international seminars. Not to mention competing in tournaments here in Japan, attending JKA Japan seminars and special trainings, and re-testing for my qualifications (Instructor, Examiner and Judge Licences with JKA).

Many people around the world have sent their hopes that I re-gain my instructor, examiner and judge statuses; moreover, that I continue to compete. All I can say is that I'll continue putting myself to the test and allow JKA Japan to decide where I am. Overall, I have huge appreciation for the Japan Karate Association and hope that I can push forward with the tasks set in front of me.

Just like in my very first post, all that matters is training itself, training and spirit. This is my on-going goal, to keep training in traditional Japanese `Budo Karate' and to continue developing, physically mentally and spiritually. Osu, André Bertel.
© André Bertel. Aso-shi, Kumamoto. Japan (2015).

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